
Sunday 7 June 2015

North Wales, Carnedd Llewelyn from Abergwyngregin.

From the free parking area above Abergwyngregin I headed for Carnedd Llewelyn returning via Drum and a few minor peaks.

6 1/2  hrs

Walking up the valley towards Llyn Anafon.
Looking back down to Llyn Anafon heading for Foel-fras.
Foel-fras Summit now in the cloud and very cool.
Carnedd Gwenllian.
Shelter on Foel Grach.
Looking over to Yr Elen sitting below Carnedd Llewelyn.
Looking down into Cwm Eigiau.
Carnedd Daffyd from Llewelyn summit, Tryfan can be seen to the left.
Back at Foel-fras with the weather much improved.
I past Drum without taking a photo and arrived at Carnedd v Ddelw?
Looking up to Foel-fras left and Llwytmor right.
My route back down to the car over Pen Bryn-du, Foel-ganol & Foel Dduarth.
Looking back up the valley with Drum at the head.

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