
Sunday 24 November 2013

Yorkshire Dales, Great Whernside from Kettlewell.

Great Whernside from Kettlewell via Hagg Dyke.

5 1/2 hours.

Cheap parking using the local garage's land just as you enter the village.
On my way up to Hag Dyke.
Hag Dyke ahead.
Rather surprised to come across Hag Dyke Hostel.
Looking back down towards Kettlewell.
Summit Cairn and first snow of the season for me.
Looking South east to Whernside Pasture.
North West past the shelter to Buckden Pike.
Looking back to Great Whernside with it's flat top.
Angram and Scar House Reservoirs.
Little Whernside ahead but I turned off left here and headed for Cam Head and Starbotton.
Looking back to Great Whernside from near Cam Head.
Approaching Starbotton.
On the path from Satrbottn to Ketllewell loong back towards Starbotton.
Approaching Kettlewell.
Village Store.
And Church.

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