
Wednesday 8 July 2015

Scotland, Am Bodach From Kinlochleven.

Am Bodach and a few others From Kinlochleven.

I followed the West Highland way path out of Kinlochleven for a short while heading to Fort William before turning off to Am Bodach.
A slight detour took me passed the closed Mamore Lodge.
Plenty of rain around Loch Leven.
Stob Ban from Sgurr an lubhair 1001m.
Loch Leven from Am Bodach with the weather clearing nicely.
Sgurr a Mhaim left and Ben Nevis center from Am Bodach.
Looking back to Am Bodach from Stob Coire a Chairn.
On my way now to An Gearanach.
Ben Nevis from An Gearanach.
Looking back to Stob Coire a Chairn & Am Bodach from An Gearanach.
Am Bodach from the descent path.
Kinlochleven is still over an hour away down there.
Final look back up.........

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