
Friday 3 July 2015

Scotland, Pap of Glencoe & Sgorr nam Fianaidh

Pap of Glencoe & Sgorr nam Fianaidh.

7 1/2 hrs.

The two summits from Glencoe village with the Pap of Glencoe to the left.
Loch Leven, Mamores & Ben nevis from the summit of the Pap of Glencoe.
Looking west to Loch Linnhe
Bidian nam Bian over there.
Center distance is Buachaille Etive Mor.
Looking back to the Pap of Glencoe from Sgorr nam Fianaidh.
The Aonach Eagach Ridge from Sgorr nam Fianaidh.
Bidean nam Bian again.
Ben Nevis in the center.
On my way bock down to Glencoe village.
It's worth the small detour to visit Glencoe Massacre Monument when back down in the village.

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