
Tuesday 19 June 2012

North Wales, Snowdon Horseshoe

8 Hours
Glorious day for the Snowdon Horseshoe. Got the Sherpa bus up to Pen y Pass from the campsite at Nantgwynant in the morning saving hefty car parking charges.

Good job really as it was pretty full anyway.
Off we go up the Pyg track.

A fine view down towards Llanberris.
The Pyg track continues over these two styles as we turn right towards Crib Goch
This way.
The Pyg is busy today.
Gaining height now.
Nearly on the ridge.
Another route up to the ridge from Llanberris.
Crib Goch.
Care needed.
A pause to look across to Lliwedd Bach which will be visited later in the day.
Looking back towards Crib Goch.
And the the summit of Snowdon.
Crib Goch from Garned Ugain.
Snowdon from Garned Ugain.
From here a short descent takes you to the top of the Pyg track and the short pull up to the summit of Snowdon begins. Nice view.
All right for some.
The summit station, crowds, school parties, train passengers and refreshments at the cafe.
Sat eating lunch I and the crowds were treated to a See King fly past. Could've been royalty in there.
Leaving the summit station I headed off towards the top of the Watkin path.
Marked by this stone.
The Watkin Path can be seen curving round to the right down the hill. Where it forks left I will head for Lliwedd Bach.
Looking back up the final steep slopes of the Watkin path which can be difficult to navigate in bad weather, keep to the left when ascending..
A nice view down to Llyn Llydaw.
Another climb starts up to Lliwedd Bach.
From the top looking back towards Snowdon.
Looking down the final part of the horseshoe where the track takes you down to join the Miners Track.
Looking back up the ridge with Snowdon in the background.
The track then leads you back to Pen y Pass.
From Pen y Pass I then walked back down to the campsite at Nantgwynant but as my phone battery packed up I don't have any pics. It takes about an hour to get back to the campsite.

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