
Sunday 11 August 2013

North York Moors, Sutton Bank National Park Center to Rievaulx Abby and The White Horse.

Sutton Bank National Park Center to Rievaulx Abby returning via a Pheasantry and The White Horse.


Rievaulx Abbey.
Leaving the car park at The Sutton Bank National Park Center
A short walk through the woods to the road that would lead me to Scawton.
The road to Scawton.
It's a nice day.
Entering Scawton.
Village green.
Bridge over the River Rye :)
At Rievaulx.
A few pics of the Abbey.
On the Cleveland way after leaving Rievaulx Abbey passing one of four springs.
Heading up towards the Pheasantry.
The photo doesn't show it well but there were thousands of birds here.
Once through the Pheasantry I had to battle through this for about a mile.
Until I exited here onto a minor road very close to The Hambleton Inn.
Time for a wander over to the Kilburn White Horse.
View from the path running past the top of the horse looking down to the car park and Kilburn.
The path skirts The Yorkshire Gliding Club.
Looking over to the Yorkshire Dales.
And back to Roulston Scar.
Back at the National Park Center.

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