
Sunday 13 October 2013

Berwyn, Cadair Bronwen,Cadair Berwyn and Moel Sych from Llandrillo.

First foray into the Berwyns which proved eventful in challenging conditions.

The Berwyn range is an isolated and sparsely populated area of moorland located in the north-east of Wales, roughly bounded by Llangollen in the north-east, Corwen in the north-west, Bala in the south-west, and Oswestry in the south-east. Wikipedia
71/2 hrs.
From the parking area in Llandrillo.
 Heading east out of Llandrillo I followed signed farm track that led gently up the slopes towards the Berwyns.
A strange sight out here with not much if any passing traffic.
Nearby is the stone circle, Moel TY Uchaf. More details here.
Into the mist now on my way to Cadair Bronwen.
At Cadair Bronwen summit Cairn 784m.
Heading south now towards Cadair Berwyn with railway sleepers assisting throgh the bog.
Trig at Cadair Berwyn 827m.
Summit shelter, within, one of the the few people that I saw all day.
Walking along the ridge towards Moel Sych.
View down to Llyn Lluncaws during a brief break in the cloud.
All I had to do now was follow the fence until I reached a path to the right after about 3 miles, problem was,  this was the wrong fence.
It was about here that I realised my mistake and the only way to get back to Llandrillo and my car was to go back up.
Back up we go then.
Back at Moel Sych with the fence that I should have followed on the right.
I then headed back to Cadair Berwyn where there is a permissive path to the left leading back to Llandrillo. The weather turned to heavy rain for a while so not much opportunity for photos, I also lost my map, great.

Leaving the berwyns.
Back in Llandrillo.
Home for the night Abbey Grange Hotel Llangollen.

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