
Sunday 30 September 2012

Howgills, Winder, Arant Haw, The Calf, Cautley Spout.


Starting from Sedbergh we headed up towards Winder on a damp morning with the weather forecast promising a brighter afternoon but it proved to be wrong, it got much worse.

Leaving Sedbergh.

On the way up to Winder looking back down to Sedbergh, the weather from here deteriorated rather quickly.

On with the waterproofs.
Winder, windy and wet more like.
Onwards to Arant Haw with the wind and rain getting worse by the minute.
From Arant haw to The Calf the wind became so fierce it was a struggle to stay upright at times, some of the gusts were approx 70 mph and with the driving rain we began to question our sanity.

Deep joy at The Calf...
From the Calf we took the path down to Bowderdale, crossed the beck and headed for Cautely Spout with the rain still belting down but thankfully out of the wind.
Cautely Spout in spate.
From Cautley Spout we walked down the valley and took the path adjacent to the river leading us back into Sedbergh, no more photos as the camera was getting too damp as was it's owner.

The views from the Howgill Fells I am assured are to die for but alas not on this day, ah well there will be another time.

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