
Tuesday 2 July 2013

Lake District, Scafell from the NT campsite at Wasdale Head.

A damp start today on my second attempt at Scafell after a fail in February due to bad planning and lack of time.

7 hrs.

Leaving the campsite.
Start of the climb up by the side of Lingmell Gill.
She looks in a bit of a mood today.
Due to the mist and my terrible map reading I managed to miss Lord's Rake and headed straight up to Broad Stand.This is the Mountain rescue stretcher box there.
After descending and a little bit of debate between me and the map I managed to find the foot of Lord's Rake, here is where the fun began, or not.
Approaching the chock stone which really doesn't look safe at all and you have to go under or around it.
It was a relief to get passed this particular obstacle.
The rest of the rake isn't much better either.
At the top looking back down.
From here it's just a short walk to the summit of Scafell, bit misty today though.
Start of the descent down the Western slope heading for Burnmoor Tarn.
Burnmoor Tarn ahead and it's raining quite heavily now.
At the tarn I spotted a remote house at the far end and decided to investigate.
Burnmoor lodge, privately owned but seem to be based here.
A stroll round the tarn in the rain and then a descent back to the campsite on the corpse road between Wasdale and Eskdale past these ruins.


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