
Monday 16 June 2014

North Wales, Moelwyn Bach & Moelwyn Mawr from Croesor

Moelwyn Bach & Moelwyn Mawr from Croesor.


Croesor car park.
I headed in the opposite direction shown in the photo across the junction and up the lane until I came to this sign which I followed through the small plantation to the lower slopes of Moelwyn Bach.
View to the coast.
Looking over to Moelwyn Mawr.
Moelwyn Bach summit.
Llyn Stwlan down below.
Looking over to Moelwyn Bach from the summit of Moelwyn Mawr.
Down at the top of Rhosydd Quarry looking back to Moelwyn Mawr.
Making my way down through the quarry.
Main barracks.
View down Cwm Croesor with the path on the left which would take me back to the car in Croesor.

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