
Sunday 8 April 2012

Hutton Le Hole, Rosedale, Lastingham

Off to the North York Moors starting at Hutton Le Hole.

Starting from the car park head up the lane where the path shortly goes of to the left taking onto the Spaunton Estate.

The whole moor is just a grouse production facility really.

Heading out on to the moor with Blakey Road on the left.

This way then.

Think of the Grouse.

After a couple of miles the road to Chimney Bank at Rosedale appears.

A further mile or so brings you to Chimney Bank where there are the old mine workings and this now disused and flooded ROC station. More on the Royal Observer Corps here.


From Chimney bank head South towards Ana Cross and the path towards Lastingham where the origional cross resides in the church there.
Towards Lastingham.

Stone At the top of the village.

From Lastingham you walk on the road for a while where a path bears left and takes you back into Hutton Le Hole where refreshments await.

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