
Monday 23 April 2012

North Wales, Tryfan

7 Hours
Tryfan from across the valley.
Plenty of free parking to be had on the A5 on the shores of Llyn Ogwen.
Start here....

The path takes you up beside a stone wall and then turns left onto a boulder field.
Looking back down towards the layby
The path then takes you up steeply until you reach the Cannon.
Fine views of the Carnedds, Pen Yr Ole Wen and Carnedd Daffyd.
Getting higher...
That is a path believe it or not.
Not far from the top and things start to get a little interesting. These were two of only five people I saw on Tryfan all day and three of them passed me on the way up.
Giving the dog a helping hand....
Last bit before the top and a bit scrambly.
Da Daa...
Had the summit to myself for a while.
Adam and Eve and no is the answer.
 Sat and watched a couple of jets scream up the valley and then headed off down the south ridge towards Llyn Bochlwyd.
And then over to Llyn Idwal.
Steep path down.
From Lyyn Idwal it was down to the small cafe at Ogwen Cottage for a hot chocolate and then back along the A5 to the car where the heavens opened and it rained, lots. Thankfully though it had held off for most of the day.


  1. Are the paths on try an easy to find?

  2. Yes, there is a series of small cairns that mark the way up once you're past the boulder field at the start.
